Exploring of EFL Online Learning in Implementation Ramsden Principle Perspective at High Senior School: Case Study

Khalifah Viani


The pandemic outbreak has resulted in most schools and universities being closed to prevent further spread. This, provides a change in the teaching and learning process which is usually in the classroom turning into online learning. However, the online learning process is not a new concept but only changes the learning process. In the teaching and learning process, there are six principles for effective learning according to Ramsden (2003). With these teaching principles, teachers can adapt learning effectively. This study focuses on examining EFL teachers as participants to see the online learning and teaching process. This study uses qualitative methods and case studies as research designs that focus on interviews and observations of the online learning process. From the results of the research that has been done, the teacher can explain the material using the platform well and effectively. In the online teaching process, the teacher provides a re-explanation in the explanation of the material to help online learning. Assessment of skills and knowledge for direct assessment and feedback during the online learning process. The use of learning methods that are in accordance with online learning. As well as making modifications in making materials and helping students when learning online. In conclusion, teachers can meet the Ramsden principles of online learning, but the drawback in online learning is the lack of interaction between teachers and students in online learning.

Keywords: Construction, Online Learning, Teaching Practice

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31949/jell.v5i2.3356


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