Nurcica Adzkia Amatulloh


process, such as Edmodo. Edmodo facilitates students and teachers to connect each other inside and outside classroom. The present research aims to investigate the students' perceptions of Edmodo and to find out the benefits and challenges of using Edmodo in EFL classroom. The research involved 47 participants consist of students in twelveth grade in one of senior high schools in Majalengka, West Java. This research study used descriptive qualitative method and the data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires consists of 20 questions that was divided by three groups, first is about students’ perception of using Edmodo, second is about benefits of using Edmodo and the last is about challenges of using  Edmodo. Five students were also interviewed to seek more information about their experiences during using Edmodo. The result revealed that students have positive perception toward the use of Edmodo in teaching and learning process since they think that learning using Edmodo facilitates and increases effectiveness of communication in learning. Edmodo was beneficial for students to have discussion with teacher outside the classroom easily. In addition, Edmodo helped students to comment other students’ work effectively.

Keywords: Perception, Information Communication and Technology (ICT), Edmodo

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