Elin Novi Herlina


Writing becomes an important skill to learn, but it is not easy to mastering this skill. Based on the statement, in this research, the reseacher explained the suitable media to teach writing using sequences picture. The objective of this reserach are to find out the difference of writing skills of procedure texts by using sequences picture medium and conventional medium for the eight grade of SMP N 1 Sindang in the academic year of 2019/2020. The research was quasi-experimental design. The sample of the research consisted the students of Grade VIII B as experimental class with 25 students and VIII C as control class with 25 students. The data collection technique were used test. The data analysis technique in this research was using t-test statistical formula. The result of this research is there was a difference writing skills of procedure text between experimental class and control class. It could be proven by the mean of post-test. The mean of post-test of experimental class was 69.72 and post-test of control class was 57,56 and there was significant difference writing skills of procedure text with using sequences picture. T-test was 3,7 and t-table was 2.01. T-test is higher than t-table, so Ho is rejected. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that sequences picture is effective to teach procedure text.
Keywords : Sequences Picture, Teaching Medium, Procedure Text


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