Syamsul Arif Billah


Communication plays an important role in determining one of the existing career. Various graduates from communication can occupy certain positions from several areas of expertise that must be possessed when occupying positions of strategic positions.

Similarly, graduates of communication can occupy positions and positions that are different from the educational background received while in college. This is due to the many competencies that are taught to graduate communication in occupying positions in a company or agency more and flexible in the realm of work that it faces.

The process of placement of positions and positions occupied by graduates of communication have different values and variations with graduates of communication from other universities because each college has a superior competitive advantage. This obviously affects the positions and positions are cultivated by graduates of communications from public and private universities in the share of work. Recognized or not, communication graduates have cirikhas in occupying jobs and positions in a company or government agencies. Competencies and skills taught in college and curriculum changes tailored to the needs of today's workplace.

Keywords: communication, position and position analysis, competence and skills

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Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Majalengka.

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