Pengaruh Country Image Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Ke Korea Selatan Pada Komunitas Korean Jjang Garut

Ridian Gusdiana, Novie Susanti Suseno, Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi, Yulia Yulistina



This research is motivated by the increasing number of Indonesian tourists visiting South Korea every year and the growing popularity of the phenomenon of South Korean popular culture in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of country image on interest in visiting South Korea, explain the effect of cognitive country image on South Korea's affective country image, explain the respective effects of cognitive country image and affective country image on interest in visiting South Korea. This research approach is quantitative with hypothesis testing using path analysis technique. The subjects in this study were members of the Korean Jjang Community Garut with a total sampling of 77 people, so this research is a population study. The data collection uses an online questionnaire with the help of Google Form media. The results showed that country image consisting of cognitive country image and affective country image influenced the interest in visiting South Korea at the Korean Jjang Community Garut by 49.8%. If further reviewed, cognitive country image has an effect on the formation of South Korea's affective country image by 32.9%, then the influence of cognitive country image on interest in visiting South Korea is 17.4% and affective country image has an influence on interest in visiting South Korea by 32.4%. while the effect of cognitive country image through affective country image on interest in visiting South Korea is 16.2%.

Keywords: Affective Country Image; Cognitive Country Image; South Korea; Interest to visit



Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh meningkatnya wisatawan Indonesia yang mengunjungi Korea Selatan setiap tahunnya serta semakin populernya fenomena budaya popular Korea Selatan di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh country image terhadap minat berkunjung ke Korea Selatan, menjelaskan pengaruh cognitive country image terhadap affective country image Korea Selatan, menjelaskan masing-masing pengaruh dari cognitive country image dan affective country image terhadap minat berkunjung ke Korea Selatan. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan teknik path analysis. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah anggota Korean Jjang Community Garut dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 77 orang sehingga penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi. Adapun pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner online dengan bantuan media Google Form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa country image yang terdiri dari cognitive country image dan affective country image berpengaruh terhadap minat berkunjung ke Korea Selatan pada Korean Jjang Community Garut sebesar 49.8%. juka ditinjau lebih lanjut, cognitive country image berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan affective country image Korea Selatan sebesar 32.9%, lalu pengaruh cognitive country image terhadap minat berkunjung ke Korea Selatan sebesar17.4% dan affective country image memberikan pengaruh terhadap minat berkunjung ke Korea Selatan sebesar 32.4% sedangkan pengaruh cognitive country image melalui affective country image terhadap minat berkunjung ke Korea Selatan adalah sebesar 16.2%.

Kata-kata Kunci: Affective Country Image; Cognitive Country Image; Korea Selatan; Minat Berkunjung

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