Dony Susandi, Asep Rachmat, Yudi Samantha, Guntur Priyatna


Genting raw materials cutting machine is cutting processing tool with the mechanical system work. Working system for each element of machine motion in this study using apneumatic control based mover. One important aspect of the method and manufacturing series systems through the use of automation technology is a programmable logic control (PLC) as the control system.

One of the main problems in this research activity is the use of automation technology which can produce products quickly, accurately and efficiently. However, before doing it all, need to understand the operational characteristics of the machine it self, so in the design, manufacture and operation will be easier and get the results as expected. Through this study, the authors tried methods of improvements to the system control processing equipment raw materials, PLC is used as an interface to drive the motion of elements in Pneumatic pump for each motion element.

This study focused on the design and construction of the driving element processing tool. The control system of cutting genting raw material is used SR3B101FU PLC (AC 220V) with a pneumatic drive system on the cutting element and pushing motion. The research methodology used in this study is divided into 3 parts, first control system design such as electricity, wiring and PLC programming, second are construction system design such as mechaninal contruction of cutting process and third analysis of control system such as pneumatic cylinder pressures and forces acting genting to determine capability of machine raw materials cutting and pushing process. Forces acting on the double acting cylinder is equal to 1252.86 N its mean cutting machines and encouragement to work at maximum mass of 127.71 kg , while the mass of critical raw materials amounted to only 0.149 kg so that the machine has the capability to perform the cutting of raw materials and promoting material cutting results.

Keyword : PLC, Pneumatik, Genting

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Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Technology (J-ENSITEC) Published by Fakultas Teknik Universitas Majalengka (Print ISSN : 2407-6007 and Online ISSN: 2477-359X)



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