Tia Setiawan, Heris Syamsuri, Syarifudin Syarifudin


In general, oil traders use manual measuring cups or scales to sell oil, the process also takes a long time and the dose is less exact, so it requires a tool that can improve the efficiency of time and accuracy of measurements according to consumer demand. For this we need a tool that can work automatically and so that measurement accuracy and time are more efficient. Micro controller-based automatic fluid measuring devices have been given a program to control the work of this tool, data input commands from the keypad will be received by the micro controller. The next step micro controller will give output to the LCD, in the form of the desired nominal or the desired fluid volume and the micro controller will give an ON signal to cause the solenoid valve and pump, so that water flows, flowing water will be detected by flow sensors. Flow sensor output in the form of a pulse signal that is processed by the micro controller into a counter that is displayed on the LCD. When reaching the selected volume, the micro controller will give an OFF signal to the solenoid valve so that the oil stops flowing. This automatic fluid measuring device has a futuristic design, can be moved around because it has a light weight and easy to use.



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