Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono, Afan Rahman


The purpose of this study is to facilitate the process of making ice cream for the entrepreneurs home industry. The Arduino Mega2560 is used as the main brain of the system that was created. Arduino Mega2560 will check 5 ice cream material containers using 5 ultrasonic sensors. The process of mixing the ingredients for ice cream begins with waiting input from users regarding cream, milk, and flavorings. In this tool, there are 3 choices of flavors. The next step is to open a valve that uses a solenoid valve to release ice cream material, drive motor DC to move the container and weigh it using the Load Cell sensor. The final stage is Arduino Mega2560 which activates a mixer to mix all ingredients. From the test results, this tool has worked well where this tool can mix the ingredients with success rate of ultrasonic sensors by 90%, scales with load cells by 92%, the process of controlling the solenoid valve and mixer by 100%.


Keywords: Ice cream, Arduino  Mega2560, Ultrasonic, Load cell, Solenoid valve

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31949/j-ensitec.v5i02.1507


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