Jahar Irawan, Arief Rijaluddin, Eka Juliar


The success of a project can not be separated from a series of activities that include the stages of planning, implementation and supervision, so that the goals set can be achieved. In an effort to succeed in a construction project, a good technique or management method is needed to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality of work. In connection with that, it is necessary to carry out supervision and control measures in all sectors, especially control of costs and time.

This research was conducted at the Majalengka Regency Satpol PP Building Project which aims to determine the project's time performance and the estimated cost and time of the building construction project and the method of concept of the value of the results is effective or not. The data used in this study is the Time Schedule, Cost Budget Plan, and weekly progress reports. From these data can produce BCWP and BCWS values. ACWP, with the help of Microsoft Excel, obtained CP, SV, CPI, SPI, and predicts completion of project costs and end times (ETC, EAC and ECD).

From the results of the analysis of the time of the construction of the Satpol PP Building in Majalengka Regency until the 22nd week with a budget of Rp. 2,454,849,000, - resulting in a CPI of 1,1000, SPI obtained at 1,0266, EAC value of Rp. 2.23,681,459.98 and ECD amounted to 126, showing the estimated construction completion time of 126 days, which means the project progressed 24 days from the 150 day plan.


Keywords: Earned Value Method, BCWP, BCWS, ETC, EAC

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