Engkos Koswara, Asep Rachmat, Imam Khaerul Mahdi


Honey extractor machine is a machine used to separate honey from honeycomb and make it easier for honey farmers to harvest honey. The purpose of this research is to design a honey exractor machine using ¼ phase electricity and design an engine frame design that is able to withstand static loads. Components used in the design of the honey extractor machine are electric motors, main frames, bearings, tubes, pulleys, belts, and shafts.
The software used to test the load that occurs is Solidworks Software 2013. The safety factor of the honey extractor machine is said to be safe because it has exceeded the minimum limit and the results of testing using software for safety factors are obtained 2.57
The stages in the design are designing a honey extractor machine frame, designing a honey storage tube, and designing the whole component assembly. The components in the honey extractor machine consist of a frame to support a load of 20 kg, a honey extractor storage tube, bearing, shaft with a diameter of 20 mm, electric motor motor power of 135 watts with a 1500 rpm engine speed, pulley using a large pulley 100 mm in diameter Small pulleys of 50 mm and v-belts with standard belt types can connect power of 135 watts

Kata Kunci : Perancangan, Honey extractor, Solidworks.

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