Dede Cahyati Sahrir



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pencapaian kemampuan literasi sains aspek proses sains dan keterampilan collaborative yang dimiliki oleh calon guru biologi pada pembelajaran free-inquiry. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre-experimental dengan desain one-shot case study. Subjek penelitian adalah 31 mahasiswa Jurusan Tadris Biologi IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon yang mengontrak mata kuliah Protista dan Fungi. Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan strategi free-inquiry dan metode kerja laboratorium. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa tes kemampuan literasi sains, lembar observasi kemampuan collaboration, dan rubrik kinerja praktikum (aktivitas free-inquiry). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan literasi sains calon guru biologi pada aspek menjelaskan fenomena secara ilmiah (baik), aspek mengidentifikasi permasalahan ilmiah (cukup), dan aspek menggunakan bukti secara ilmiah (buruk). Sedangkan untuk keterampilan collaborative calon guru biologi pada pembelajaran free-inquiry menunjukkan bahwa aspek keterampilan collaborative calon guru biologi dalam kriteria proficient adalah aspek bekerja produktif, aspek menunjukkan rasa hormat dan aspek berbagi tanggungjawab, sedangkan aspek keterampilan collaborative calon guru biologi yang masih dalam kriteria basic adalah berkompromi. Oleh karena itu, calon guru biologi harus meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains dan keterampilan collaborative mereka agar dapat menjadi pendidik biologi yang kompeten dan mampu bersaing pada revolusi industri era 4.0.

Kata Kunci: literasi sains, keterampilan collaborative, free-inquiry



This study aims to determine the extent to which achievement of scientific literacy ability aspects of the scientific process and collaborative skills possessed by prospective biology teachers in free-inquiry learning. This research is a pre-experimental study with a one-shot case study design. The research subjects were 31 students of the Tadris Biology Department of IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon who contracted Protista and Fungi courses. Learning is done by free-inquiry strategy and laboratory work methods. Data collection was carried out using instruments in the form of tests of scientific literacy skills, collaboration skills observation sheets, and practical performance rubrics (free-inquiry activities). The results showed that the ability of scientific literacy of prospective biology teachers on aspects of explaining phenomena scientifically (good), aspects of identifying scientific problems (sufficient), and aspects of using evidence scientifically (poorly). Whereas the collaborative skills of prospective biology teachers in free-inquiry learning show that the aspects of biology teacher prospective collaborative skills in the professional criteria are aspects of productive work, aspects of showing respect and aspects of sharing responsibility, while aspects of collaborative skills of prospective biology teachers who are still in the basic criteria are compromise. Therefore, prospective biology teachers must improve their scientific literacy skills and collaborative skills in order to become competent biology educators and be able to compete in the industrial revolution of the 4.0 era.

Keywords: scientific literacy, collaborative skills, free-inquiry

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