Pengaruh Literasi Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Kelas V SD Inpres Bangkala III Kota Makassar

Reyanti malsena


Human character is already attached to his personality in behaving in everyday life, but since he was born into the world, humans have had a character that can be seen from their habits. Changing the character of students at school, namely the lack of literacy activities or interest in reading in students carried out at school, which can cause a moral crisis that results in student behavior in elementary schools. The impact is that students will find it difficult to develop their potential because of limited knowledge, besides that students will also find it difficult to socialize because of a lack of insight. Efforts to strengthen student character in education must continue to be carried out, one of which is with literacy activities. With literacy, attitude, learning discipline, and students' curiosity will be formed. This study aims to determine the effect of literacy on the character building of fifth grade students at SD Inpres Bangkala III Makassar City. This research is a quantitative research type of simple regression research. This research was conducted at SD Inpres Bangkala III Makassar City, and the target was students consisting of 27 students in VA class and 28 students in VB class so that the total sample was 55 using simple random sampling technique. The method of collecting and collecting data in this study used a questionnaire with data analysis using SPSS 28. The results of the descriptive analysis of the literacy of class V students were included in the very influential category with a percentage of 55%, and the character of class V students was in the very good category with a percentage of 53%. As for the results of the inferential analysis, namely the influence of literacy on the character formation of fifth grade students at Bangkala III Elementary School, Makassar City, which obtained a significant value of 0.003 <0.05. The school acts as an entry point for behavior change, for this reason the influence between literacy and character has a reality value for students so they can understand various literacy well and can improve their quality, and carry out what they have learned in literacy with full responsibility in everyday life. -days so that theoretically and empirically literacy influences the character formation of fifth grade students at SD Inpres Bangkala III Makassar City.


Literacy, and Character

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