Anton Rachdiat Purwanto Sudarjat


The function of Strategic planning in a institution is a guideline for long term of institution development. That planning is a result from the analysis process and there are some conditions of institution that want to be gain in particularly of time. The conditions which want to reach are reflected at vision, mission, goals and the programs of institution. For the reason of clearness from that strategic planning, the institution have a documentation which complemented with the description of the strength and the weakness or internal factor potension, the opportunities and the threats or external factor that faced of institution. That all are for the state of institution which have a real conditions globally with the roll of all resources. The activity of institution management which enrollment of all management function that stay focus to institution strategic planning that stated in early time, fundamentally will need a resources of data and informations fully in organization. That all can derived from the resources in all of organization, in a internal or external organization. For the reason effectiveness and effecienceness in a managemen of data in organization, it have to pushed with the management information system that already exist in organization with have a integration in the orders and have a aligment between the information system and the business process. The existing of that all will be the edge of the success of organization and will be a edge of competitive and a advance competitive. SMK Negeri 1 Majalengka is the institution in field of middle vocation of education and in this time need a managemen information system support which that all can be the drivers of the successful of education activity process. That supported are needed by all of the management level and operational level to reach the goals that stated and documentated in a strategic planning of institution in SMK Negeri 1 Majalengka. Therefore, that is needed to be conducted a activity of information supply can be have a aligment with the existing condition characters in SMK Negeri 1 Majalengka. And that will be Author this paper to conducted an experiment of strategic planning in information system that can be build by SMK Negeri 1 Majalengka. The methodology of riset in which describe the steps, appreachs, and the data which needed in that riset, taken with use a analysis of the problem in the early or riset preliminary and the next step is to state the goals of the riset. The SWOT analyze conducted in the next step to analyze and produce the strategic alternative of institution, and can be emerge the critical success factor / CSF and showed the measures and the data or information needed by every unit of institution. Principally, the information system strategic planning deal with the measure and information needed by organization for each critical success factors tha already exist in organization, the application portfolio analyze for each unit of institution, and some input that related with the steps and development programs of informatioan system in next stage.

Keywords: Competitive Advantage, Information System, Strategic of Information System, Institution Strategic, Critical Success Factor, Measure dan SWOT Analyze.

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ISSN Cetak : 2528-3820

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