Manajemen Sumber Daya Islami dan Implikasinya terhadap Komitmen Karyawan

Yulfrianti Hartoko, Sri Pudjiastuti, Nur Izzati


Islam is more a “way of life†than a mere religion. Islam has many positive values which could be applied in many aspects of life, included in an organization or company’s way to manage their business. Human resource management is one of many aspects which could not be separated from company or organization. An effective of human resource management could deliver an organization to its goals. As Islam provided many positive values, thus application of those values into human resource management could be the way for an organization or company to reach an effective human resource management. Islamic values in human resource management could be represented in four dimensions, these are recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and compensation. Application of islamic values in human resource management could build a justice value (Al-Adl) in organization or company, and the justice value could be the factor which impact to employee’s commitment.

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