Suryani Kapoe


Classroom interaction relates to teachers’ teaching style in determining the interaction occurs in the classroom. Teachers’ teaching style like teacher-centered will make students more passive in the classroom since the teacher talks all the time. The purpose of this research aimed to find out the percentage of the teachers’ and students’ talking time during classroom interaction and teacher-students characteristics during classroom interaction in English class at Unkriswina Sumba using FIACS.This research was a qualitative research design. The subject of this research was English teacher in English class who had been teaching more than five years and four years. The result found that teacher talk ratio (TT) was high that is 82,51%. Then, indirect teacher talk ratio (ITT) was 51,57.Moreover, direct teacher talk ratio (DTT) was 30,94% while students talk ratio/percentage of students talk (PT) was 13,00%. Then, silence or confusion rate (SC) was 4,48%. Last, indirect and direct ratio (ID) was 166, 67%. The result showed that indirect talk was dominant than direct talk in the conversation class while the most dominant characteristic in conversation class was content cross that is 85.It reflected that most of the teaching-learning time was devoted to questions, lectures and praises. The result of this research enriched the knowledge of the students, lectures, and other language learners that in the classroom, both the lectures and students should have the willingness to participate in the interaction.

Keyword: Classroom Interaction, FIACS System, Teacher’s talk, Student’s talk,

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