The Emotional Experience of Students during Covid-19 on English E-learning in 8th Junior High School

Ines Putri Pratiwi


The Covid-19 pandemic that has spread throughout the world has caused schools, universities to temporarily close and requires them to carry out teaching and learning activities at home with online or e-learning. Through E-learning can carry out teaching and learning activities anywhere and anytime. Some students are familiar and some students also have problems with the implementation of E-learning. According to Supiani (2020), emotional experience and social experience are related things to someone's academic performance. In line with the problem of learning through e-learning, their emotional experience is one of the things that affect their academic performance. Cleveland-Innes and Campbell (2012) stated that there are two emotions related to online learning as positive and negative emotions. This study focuses on exploring what emotions that students felt when studying with E-learning. The research design that this study use is a qualitative method and narrative inquiry by collecting data through semi-structured interviews. The results of this research shown students felt both positive and negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, in line with problems in learning that affect their emotions during E-learning. Therefore, students also have strategies to resolve their problems with E-learning. Then, instead of e-learning the students still prefer face-to-face learning.

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