Lecturer’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking on Online Learning During Pandemic Covid-19

mike - amelia, Fitri Handayani


This study intends to investigate lecturers' practices for teaching speaking in online learning during pandemic COVID-19. For Lecturer, online learning has posed a new challenge, particularly in the area of teaching speaking. To make the lesson more exciting, the lecturer requires a strategy and should be able to mix it with online learning media. The research was descriptive qualitative study. The study focused on two UNSIKA-speaking lecturers. For the study, the researcher employed observation and interviews as instruments. According to the findings of the study, lecturers employ a variety of strategies to teach speaking, including podcasts, debates, and story-telling, retelling, dialogue, and drama. The lecturer combined some media in learning: whatsapp, zoom, microsof team, google meet, google classroom, youtube and edmodo. 

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31949/jell.v5i2.3366


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Organized by the Department of English Leanguage Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, the University of Majalengka

Address : Jln. K.H. Abdul Halim No. 103 Majalengka 45418, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

email : admiljell@unma.ac.id

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