EFL STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING IN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES (A Descriptive Study at English Conversation Club (ECC) in SMAN 1 Maja)

Anggun Rahmawati


This study aimed to analyze critical thinking aspects reflected in students’ discussion and giving some opinions. The study was also find how students’ critical thinking contributed to students’ speaking ability. The critical thinking aspects examined in this study covered critical thinking elements mainly proposed by Emilia (2005) as well as critical thinking dispositions mainly proposed by Ennis (1996). In particular, the purpose of this study was to find out elements of critical thinking demonstrated by students in their speaking through discussion and speaking test. This study employed a qualitative research design, particularly a descriptive qualitative. To obtain the data, students’ speaking test, observation of critical thinking elements, and interviews were used. The member of English Conversation Club (ECC) in one of senior high school in Majalengka were chosen as participants. They were six students of low, middle, and high achievers who were selected purposively. The data of students’ speaking test and critical thinking’s element checklist were analyzed by using the theory of critical thinking movement proposed by Hughes (2014), Elder (2011), Reichenbach (2001), and Chaffee et al (2002). These were very valuable to assess students’ critical thinking. Moreover, interview data were transcribed, categorized and coded into central themes, condensed, and interpreted into a description form. This was aimed to provide a description of students’ points of view about the concept of critical thinking which is showed in their opinion in speaking test. The findings revealed that all critical thinking aspects covered in this study appeared in the students’ opinion through speaking test. High achievers’ speaking test presented more critical thinking aspects than medium and low achievers’ speaking, particularly on argument and open-mindedness. The findings also showed that students’ speaking ability and students’ critical thinking influenced each other. The students perceived that students’ speaking ability is influenced by students’ critical thinking. Higher thinking ability was produced higher speaking ability and vice versa. Speaking preparation was important stage to produce higher speaking and critical thinking ability. This study recommended that the teaching of giving opinion should explore all stages of speaking process, especially pre-speaking stage to help students speak and elaborate arguments well.


Key words: Speaking ability, Critical Thinking, discussion, giving opinion.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31949/jell.v2i2.1760


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