Strategi Integrated Marketing Communication di Pariwisata Pulau Morotai sebagai Wisata Bali Baru

Muthi'ah Ishak


Although Morotai island was included in the top 10 tourist attractions or as a new Bali tourist object by the central government in 2016, it did not undergo a significant development. Moreover, the regional revenue of the Department of Tourism Morotai Regency is the lowest compared to other departments. The Department of Tourism stated that they did not reach the revenue target. In terms of their promotion strategy, it is still far from their expectation. However, in 2020, the Department of Tourism made a move to their promotion strategy by implementing the Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy began to empower local communities to become tourism-aware people in order to develop Morotai tourism. This research is descriptive qualitative research using Case Study method. The data were collected from related documents and by conducting participant interview. In this study, researchers want to find out how the government's strategy is to empower the community to become a tourism-aware community to build island tourism. The result of this study showed that the Department of Tourism Morotai regency began to implement the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy in 2020. The Department applied promotional advertising, personal selling, interactive marketing, as well as maximizing the community relationship to achieve an effective marketing communication. Furthermore, the Department of Tourism has received supports from the central government and regional government; thus, it led to a more effective implementation of their promotional strategy. The Morotai Tourism Office is also taking advantage of the current pandemic situation by conducting trainings for business people and the community as a whole to satisfy tourists who will later visit Morotai.

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