Epul Saepul Anwar


The development of information technology has changed so quickly and dynamically. Along with the development of technology, the role of information technology is increasingly used in various fields including academic fields on campus. One of them was the creation of a Mobile Web Practicum Information System with the development of Html5 and supported with Bootstrap v.3.0.0. In this study conducted so that the management of practicum data in the Faculty of Engineering can be more effective and facilitate practicum and student managers because the system display can adjust to the devices used by users to access the system such as desktop, smartphone, or tablet. The creation of a Practicum Information System aims to make data management carried out more quickly including an automated group division process based on validation carried out by students and practicum groups to be sorted by inputting date and time. For testing the system is running in accordance with the purpose or not, then in this study testing Blackbox Testing.

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