Aplikasi Supervisi Kebersihan Ruangan Menggunakan QR Code Disekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Cipunagara

Cahyo Prianto, Arjun Yuda Firwanda, Habib Abdul Rasyid


Cleanliness is free from dirty words including dust, Cleanliness also allows someone to be comfortable in the room. Cleanliness is a must in every outdoor environment. Maintaining cleanliness from the environment is easy because the principle of cleanliness is based on self-awareness, therefore cleanliness must be done early. In general, in elementary schools have talked about cleanliness, even each student has their own schedule. Not all students do pickets properly, therefore there are schools that employ cleaning workers to do checks in each class. The staff will clean again if there is a dirty class.

This classroom hygiene supervision application will help the officers in carrying out the assignments, because this application will record some important points which can then be a report if one of the class experiences problems such as broken glass or broken table, it certainly becomes strong evidence to report to the teacher or the principal. This application was built with a web-based and API system so that the data input by the officer is connected directly with the principal, this application uses QRCode for staff validation so that the officer does not need to enter the web URL and responsive design so that it can be run comfortably on the smartphone.

Keyword: Cleanliness, Web, QRCode, API, Responsive

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31949/j-ensitec.v6i01.2017


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Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Technology (J-ENSITEC) Published by Fakultas Teknik Universitas Majalengka (Print ISSN : 2407-6007 and Online ISSN: 2477-359X)



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