Harun Sujadi, Nunu Nurdiana, Fahmi Nurbani


The greatness of an Office located on the individuals that are fused braid synergy to achieve maximum results. Then it is reasonably mutually company trying to improve performance and productivity by providing the needs of employees in the internal work process, by providing representative offices to encourage employees to feel comfortable and motivated in order to provide the best achievements for the company, but to bring about a representative office there are a few problems that occur in office like its electrical energy continuously, lights and air conditioning always turned on, security is lacking because crimes like theft is still happening Enter the room, someone who is not an employee and still very rarely a firm which provides garden for rest. To realize the research prototype Smart Office System with the Arduino Mega 2560 and Raspberry Pi-based Internet of Things Project Builder Cayenne parts Building Automation System using the system development methodology waterfall and RUP (Rational Unified Process). In this prototype consists of a prototype with RFID sensors, DHT11, and LDR, prototype smart garden with soil moisture sensors and HC-SR04 for watering plants automatically and autonomous robot prototype line follower to monitor security outside the building. The existence of this system makes it easy to monitor in the office and representative offices materialize due to the presence of automation system that is applied in the office.


Keywords: Smart Office, Internet of Thing (IoT), Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Building Automation System

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31949/j-ensitec.v5i02.1506


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