Rosmalina ., Devit Vidia Asri


Management of personnel data that are running in the Public and Civil Service Sub District of Ciparay still semi computerization is using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. The situation with the Public and Civil Service Sub Division that one function of implementing the collection, processing, storage and maintenance of data, as well as documentation of personnel, takes a long time in its data management processes. Of these problems led to the idea to create a personnel information system design. This design is expected to help the developer at the development stage of the system. The design includes process management and staffing data storage that consists of employee personal data, benefits information and personnel data as well as the reporting process and mail (SKUM and SK). The study was conducted using data collection methods, and methods of approach and development of the system. System approach used is object-oriented systems approach, using tools Unified Modeling Language (UML), a method using a model system development Rapid Application Development (RAD), which consists of the Business Modeling, Data Modeling, Application Generation, Testing and Turnover. Language programming using PHP Framework Laravel based Model View Controller (MVC), the database processing using MySQL and web server XAMPP, validation data on the level from can ensure validation of input data well, implementation of the system based on MVC makes the programming process became more organized and orderly, and the use of software testing with Black-Box Testing focused on the functional requirements of the software, as well as based on the level of form validation. With the design is expected to be a reference for the developer and can proceed to the next stage which is the stage of implementation by the developer.

Keywords: SIMPEG, Laravel, MVC, Personnel, RAD, UML

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31949/j-ensitec.v5i02.1505


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