Teddy Maulana H. S


In its development though we are in difference, but we are still progressing. In recent years, the progress experienced by humans is very fast with the marked development of science and technology (IPTEK) which is so fast, especially in the field of communication and information call it globalization.

Globalization relating to information that occurs today is made possible by the use of electronic media in sending and receiving information via radio, television, and also through the internet network. relationships via the Internet and e-mail can not be watched and limited by any government. In addition, Internet media allows the delivery of information in an infinite amount, faster than radio and television, and at a much cheaper cost.

Various symptoms of globalization inevitably bring the effects in the order of human life, in behavioral patterns, even in the prevailing value system. Application of technology development and mastery always begins and coupled with technology transfer efforts. In the advanced stages of technology transfer efforts to catch up in the level of mastery and technological development, creative and innovative activities are required in order to have the ability to create new technologies.

The growth rate of science and technology that continues to increase over time only gives the dynamic community the opportunity to pursue these developments. A creative and innovative culture is a prominent feature and a decisive factor in the dynamics of society to apply, develop, and master technology

Keywords: science and technology progress, globalization, cultural change

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Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Majalengka.

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