Ulfah Zahrotin Nisa


Transportation at this time has been highly developed, one of them in terms of transportation information services that are already owned by online motorcycle taxi service providers, the entry of online motorcycle taxi services in Majalengka is one illustration of technological developments in the field of transportation. The influence of online motorcycle taxi services service entry for the most visible public transport is in terms of attracting customers. Today's customers really like things that are easy, fast and accurate. It is owned by the online motorcycle taxi services, but is not owned by Public Transportation, so that its existence is maintained so an informative public transport information service is needed so that it can keep up with online motorcycle taxi services and have added value in the eyes of customers in order to assist prospective passengers in choosing public transportation which is more appropriate. WEB-based information system using Ward and Peppard methodology on system analysis and RUP Methodology on overall system development. Information System Majalengka Public Transportation Guide can display Route Map and display information about public transport so that it can be used as consideration in choosing angkot by prospective passengers

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