Deden Supena


Electrical energy is the most effective, easiest, and most efficient form of energy in the way it is used. Electrical energy can be produced in different ways from different sources of water, oil, gas, coal, wind, solar, geothermal, and others. As the non-renewable reserves of energy (coal, oil, and gas) are declining, it is time to turn more intensively and be directed to the alternative energy available on earth with water (Hydroelectric Power).
The famous Parakan hydropower plant is one of the sub hydro units under the Saguling Generation Business Unit. Hydropower is a process of changing potential energy of water into kinetic energy then water rotating the water wheel (Runner), by the kinetic energy runner converted into mechanical energy which is then forwarded by the turbine shaft to rotate the generator. A generator is a device that can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy by intermediate induction of the magnetic field.

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