Maria Finsensia Ansel


Learning independence is very important for every student to have.Students who have the independence of learning will show readiness to take part in learning in class, doing assignments both at home and at school, having completeness of learning, being explorative, being able to make decisions, confident and creative.Learning independence is related to learning outcomes.This study aims to determine the relationship between achievement motivation and learning independence of SDN Ende 5 students. The population in this study were Ende 5 SDN students who collected 150 people while the sample was grade 4 and 5 students who succeeded in 50 people. Data collection through a psychological scale that is the scale of achievement motivation and learning independence scale. The results showed that there was a relationship or correlation of 0.334 with a significance value of 0.00 (p <0.05). The correlation coefficient shows that there is a significant relationship between achievement motivation and learning independence of students, which means that the higher the achievement motivation, the higher the learning independence. Vice versa, the lower the achievement motivation, the lower the learning independence. The conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between achievement motivation and students' learning independence in Ende 5 Elementary School.


Achievement Motivation,Independence Learning, Learners

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