Dian Ikawati Rahayuningtyas, Devy Riri Yuliyani


The school literacy movement is a program of character building which is expected to be able to implement literary school ecosystems and to strengthen character education. One learning model that can be used as a reinforcement of  school literacy movement is the Multiple Intelligences Based Learning Model. This model can give students freedom to be creative and utilize their multiple intelligences to develop their literacy skills. These multiple intelligences are the basis for developing multiple intelligences based learning models in strengthening the school literacy movement. This research was aimed to (1) describe the needs of a multiple intelligence-based learning model development in strengthening higher grade elementary school literation movement, (2) develop a multiple intelligence-based learning model in strengthening higher grade elementary school literation movement, (3) examine the effectiveness of a multiple intelligence-based learning model application in strengthening  higher grade elementary school literation movement. This was a Research and Development (R&D) study developed by Borg and Gall and simplified by Sukmadinata. Data gathering technique was conducted using an expert validation for product validation and a test for field experiment, while data analysis technique was conducted using a descriptive quantitative  statistics technique by using an SPSS 17. The validator assessment results towards a multiple intelligence-based learning model in strengthening higher grade elementary school literation movement  obtained 79.29% percentage  that was in valid criteria. Research result of effectiveness test showed that 95% of students had been completed in school literation movement strengthening activity. The research results conducted could be concluded that a multiple intelligence-based learning model was effective to use in strengthening higher grade elementary school literation movement strengthening.


multiple intellegences based learning, gerakan literasi sekolah , sekolah dasar

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